Every time we turn around, he's pulled himself up to stand with the help of a toy or piece of furniture. He'll point to something and maybe even let go for a little while, and then realize he's on his own and drop straight to the ground. This new brave stage has been so scary because he's bound to go crashing down one day :( He's also absolutely obsessed with bouncy balls, and has even learned to throw them to us! We're building quite a collection since we can't leave a store without buying a new one ;)
Something really neat that we've recently noticed is that he's becoming more vocal, trying all kings of new sounds....and even humming the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse "Hot Dog" song! (Seriously!) He also loves being outside and riding in his big red car. So much so, that he wont let you take him out of it until he's ready! I have no idea where he gets this attitude/temper.... hahaha! It's definitely been an interesting month with lots of new experiences, and so crazy to think that in just two more months we'll be celebrating his first birthday. In the meantime, we're gearing up to go on our first family vacation, and also celebrate our friend Kaz's first birthday, which is just a few short weeks away...shew!
Happy 10 months, little man!